Oral Health

Man Charged for Impersonating a Dental Hygienist in B.C.

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Earlier this month, a man was charged with “fraud under $5,000 and personation with intent to gain advantage” by the Saanich police.

Emmanuel Osaseri was pretending to be a dental hygienist, providing dental care without the proper training or licensing. The police worked closely with the British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals (BCCOHP) to stop Osaseri as quickly as possible.

CTV News reported that as of January 22, Saanich police are now searching for Osaseri after being released from custody as they believe “he has breached or is about to breach the conditions of his release.”

One of the conditions of release was that Osaseri not attend any dental care setting unless he had an appointment. The police believe he may be attempting to perform unqualified work again and have issued a province-wide warrant for his arrest.

Read from on this story from CTV News.

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